Emily Baxter

Practice profile

Philosophy, Politics and Economics BA (Oxford University, 2011)
Graduate LLB (BPP University, 2014)
BPTC (BPP University, 2014)

Criminal Law

Emily prosecutes and defends and is regularly instructed in the Crown Court and Magistrates’ Courts. Her experience covers a range of criminal matters, including violent crime, dishonesty offences and animal welfare cases. Emily joined Blackfriars from Garden Court Chambers where she spent two years specialising in defence work, including protest cases with human rights considerations. Recent Crown Court instructions include trials on counts of GBH, ABH, threats to kill and possession of an offensive weapon. Emily has also advised on judicial reviews arising out of criminal cases and appeared in the High Court. Prior to coming to the Bar Emily was a paralegal at Fulcrum Chambers where she worked on bribery and corruption cases.

Family Law

Emily has a particular interest in child contact cases. In one recent instruction Emily represented a father who had been struggling to obtain child contact for several years. Emily successfully argued that it was in the interests of the child to spend time with his father.

Direct Access

Emily is Direct Access qualified and accepts instructions in criminal and family matters.

Pro Bono Work

Emily regularly volunteers for the Croydon Legal Advice Clinic and Advocate (the Bar’s pro bono charity). She has previously volunteered for the Global Detention Project in Geneva and at Crossroads Women’s Centre assisting victims of rape and women claiming asylum in the UK.


Philosophy, Politics and Economics BA (Oxford University, 2011) Graduate LLB (BPP University, 2014) BPTC (BPP University, 2014)

Awards and Scholarships

Lincoln's Inn Lord Denning Scholarship BPP Pro-Bono and Social Justice Award Lincoln's Inn Human Rights Scholarship
parallax background

Professional & Friendly
Specialising in crime, immigration, civil and family law.